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Leader, vision, visionary leadership, school administratorsÖzet
A school administrator who demonstrates visionary leadership behaviors greatly affects the behavior of teachers. These effects positively affect teacher performance. These include: motivating and engaging emotionally, inspiring and influencing, encouraging progress and building positive habits, improving the ability to remember, supporting innovation, leading and bringing the team together, leading and guiding.
Visionary leaders motivate employees with vision. The leader is the head of the organizational vision and they enable employees to concentrate on future organizational goals. While visionary leaders focus their employees on the goal, they also take their opinions into account, are in communication and are respectful of the values they believe in. By distributing the authority over the visionary leader to his subordinates, they take their opinions into account in the plan and program by sharing responsibility. Thus, by spreading the vision throughout the organization, they ensure that employees embrace the vision and become successful at a higher level.
Visionary leaders imagine a future beyond the current situation, take bold steps to create change and engage in new initiatives related to innovation and creativity. They also question thoughts and ideas and encourage their followers to think, explore and improve themselves. Additionally, rather than developing a vision alone, visionary leaders create a vision together with their followers, allowing them to include everyone's ideas and contributions. This distributed vision development approach increases followers' sense of commitment to the vision, creating an inspiring source of motivation and enthusiasm. In addition, visionary leaders maximize the potential of their followers by supporting teamwork. Teamwork enables the team to be successful by combining everyone's strengths. Visionary leaders support teamwork, enabling followers to cooperate, communicate and support each other.
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