Anahtar Kelimeler:
Theoretical, artificial, intelligence, artificial intelligence, educationÖzet
Artificial intelligence technology has become an integral part of our daily lives and has become an indispensable tool used by people on a daily basis. When we look at daily life, these technologies are located in service areas on every platform with various tools, equipment and software applications. The application areas of artificial intelligence can be illustrated with various examples from various fields such as cyber security and defense industry, virtual assistants, language translation, search engines and recommendation systems, and healthcare. The widespread use of artificial intelligence technology, which is used in many fields, in the field of education has brought about major changes in education and has developed the changes in education in a positive way. According to a literature review, artificial intelligence tools that provide private tutoring in education have many advantages for students. These benefits are “To promote higher engagement and improved educational achievements by providing personalized learning experiences for students.”, “To enable educators to apply effective teaching techniques, taking into account students’ academic background and learning environment.”, “Automatically monitor and evaluate students’ progress, “Providing rapid feedback and supporting teachers to adapt their teaching methods accordingly.”, “Ensuring equal opportunity in education.” It is in the form. It can be said that artificial intelligence should be used more effectively for the benefit of students since it affects educational environments in the context of education and training. Measures can be taken in educational environments and educational processes to protect students from the harms of artificial intelligence but to enable them to benefit from its advantages. These measures can be said to be activities such as trying to teach coding education, which forms the basis of artificial intelligence, from an early age.
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