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Blended Learning, Theoretical, Literature ReviewÖzet
In this study, it is aimed to examine blended learning in a theoretical context. While conducting this research, the source scanning method was used. The definition of blended learning, its function, where it is used, and its effect in different fields are revealed. While blending literally means taking the positive aspects of two things and creating a good and balanced composition; It is explained as the combination or blending of web-supported technologies in education for educational purposes. With the need for distance education from time to time, blended learning has become more prevalent and the importance of blended learning has increased. In the study; The steps to be applied in the blended learning process, Blended learning dimensions and Blending types, Blended Learning Approaches, blended learning in language teaching, the use of blended learning in different disciplines and blended learning in Turkish teaching are explained. According to the findings obtained from the study; With the development of technology, the use of blended learning has increased. It has been concluded that the aims of blended learning vary according to courses, and this change shows that blended learning can be applied in every course. The diversification of blended learning objectives has shown that blended learning can be applied to different fields, different students, different situations and different content.
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