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Nepotism, Narcissism, Manager, ChronismAbstract
Nepotism in the functioning of businesses today and the issue of narcissism has become one of the most important problems. In the world in general and the majority of businesses in our country are family businesses. Businesses run by family members exist in the future and they aim to survive for future generations. They develop certain strategies to achieve these goals. They often resort to nepotistic methods. Because the economic assets of businesses, administration are in line with its own objectives and they want it to be under their control. Therefore, rather than rational decisions being arbitrary, they may want to manage emotional decisions with effects on business management performance. In this study, to assess the effects of nepotism at the business level managers prone to narcissism, to efficiency, role in decision-making processes, to what extent does it affect positively or negatively, an attempt was made to investigate what rational control measures could be taken against the decisions taken.
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