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Turkey's Migration Policies, International Migration Conventions, EU Migration Agreement


In this study, which examines the migration dynamics  that Turkey faces and the policy structure in the management process of these Dynamics, it is aimed to reveal in detail the role of the interaction between international obligations an the balance in domestic politics on shaping migration policies. The study evaluates Turkey’s policy approaches through the international law framework and immigrant rights perspective and analyzes the possible effects of these policies on both foreign and domestic populations in Turkey. Using the document analysis method, the study considers a range of written materials such as current and past immigration policies, official legislation, international agreements and government declarations. Thanks to this method, a comprehensive evaluation covering a wide period of time and revealing the evolution in the policy structure was made. At the same time, the difficulties inheret in current practices and policies and the way these policies are implemented in the field are examined in detail. The study has the potential to fill existing gaps by adressing the challenges and opportunities faced by Turkey in the field of migration from both national and international perpectives. The study provides important findings that enable us to understand Turkey’s position and the challenges faced by policy makers on issues such as international migration law and migrant workers’ rights in labor market, with an evidence- based approach.


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How to Cite

YAZICI, B. (2024). TURKEY’S MIGRATION POLICIES: BALANCING INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS AND DOMESTIC POLICY. Usbilim Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(10), 73–84. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11190401